17 December 2020

5th AIEE - Associazione Italiana Economisti dell'Energia Energy Symposium

The international conference “AIEE Energy Symposium – Current and Future Challenges to Energy Security” has become an important yearly appointment and an opportunity to discuss energy security, to explore new and existing trends, creative solutions of new technologies, the emergence of new market conditions and of new market operators. This year it was organised online as a virtual event, from 15-17 December, in collaboration with the IAEE and the SDA Bocconi School of Management.

PARIS REINFORCE researcher Rocco De Miglio (E4SMA) presented some key outcomes of the #BRIDGE study, a multi-country analysis of scenario pathways for low-emissions economic development of identified areas along “East-West corridors”. The study was developed in collaboration with Xi YANG (CUPB) and Gabriele Cassetti (E4SMA). You can read the presentation here.