PARIS REINFORCE has come to an end!
PARIS REINFORCE held its final event at Sorbonne, in Paris, on November 15
Climate Change, Energy Crisis, and Greece's Net-Zero Transition
Industrial decarbonisation in the EU and the UK: a stakeholder workshop in London
ECEMP 2022 - Acting on the ambitions to a net-zero EU: roadblocks, challenges, and opportunities
New PARIS REINFORCE study on emissions and employment trade-offs from COVID-19 green recovery spending
Bottlenecks to decarbonising German energy-intensive industries: A Stakeholder Workshop in Berlin
Challenges and progress towards SDG7 in Italy, in the light of today’s energy crisis - a Stakeholder Workshop in Venice
Pathways to climate neutrality in Europe with a spotlight in Greece - a Stakeholder Workshop in Athens
Identifying bottlenecks to Canada's transport decarbonisation - a stakeholder workshop
How do Brazilian stakeholders perceive the country's net-zero transition and potential bottlenecks?
Energy Citizenship – A new dimension in Energy Policy Making
Science for climate action: EU research contribution to IPCC working group III on mitigation (AR6)
IPCC's WGIII report for AR6 has been released
Special Issue in RSET: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition
PARIS REINFORCE at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the IAMC
New PARIS REINFORCE study on warming outcomes of current policies and pledges
EC Policy Publication for COP26: Climate Action in the Post-COVID-19 World
PARIS REINFORCE at COP26: Towards an emission neutral society - challenges and opportunities
Energy modelling workshop in Ukraine
Cost for Households of the Inclusion of Transport and Residential Buildings in the EU ETS
Climate action and clean energy after COVID-19: What Greek Citizens think
European National Stakeholder Workshop Series: The case of the Netherlands
Carbon Neutrality and the Belt & Road Initiative: the PARIS REINFORCE China Workshop
Deliberative dialogue in Spain as a driver of change
From Numbers to Insights: How to Think about Economic-Climate Modelling
European National Stakeholder Workshop Series: The case of France
A workshop on the US Long-term strategy towards net zero
European National Stakeholder Workshop Series: The case of Switzerland
Decarbonisation in the Central Asia and Caspian region: the third (final) of a series of workshops
The role of electricity, manufacturing, and forests in Russia’s low-carbon transition
Understanding regional aspects in the Central Asian and Caspian region: the second of a series of workshops
Decarbonisation in the Central Asian and Caspian region: a first of a series of workshops
Co-creating India's mitigation pathways
Informed science for sustainable climate action in Kenya
Green glimmers of hope in climate action
Convergence between technological progress and sustainability is not that obvious
PARIS REINFORCE in the time of COVID-19
Black Elephants and Black Swans
Climate Change, Energy and the Greek Environment
First PARIS REINFORCE Stakeholder Council Dialogue, Brussels
PARIS REINFORCE 2nd Project Meeting
PARIS REINFORCE Kick-off Meeting