16 February 2022 - News

Special Issue in RSET: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Transition

PARIS REINFORCE has launched its Special Issue, “Promoting sustainable transitions across the globe”, in Elsevier’s Renewable & Sustainable Energy Transition. The Paris Agreement rests on individual countries and regions identifying stretching but feasible mitigation pathways; these must be acceptable and achievable in the eyes of a range of stakeholders in those countries, including those from civil society, governments, and businesses. This special issue invites submissions looking at whole economy or sectoral decarbonisation pathways that help to achieve the Paris Agreement goals, with a particular focus on those pathways that have been informed by integrated assessment, energy system, macroeconomic and/or sectoral models as well as by stakeholder inputs and opinions. There is no particular geographical focus, with instead a view to showcasing a diverse set of regional pathways to a low-carbon future, considering their particular circumstances, opportunities, and challenges. For more information, please see the call for papers here.

The Special Issue’s Guest Editors include:

  • Dr. Ajay Gambhir (a.gambhir [at] imperial.ac.uk), Grantham Institute, Imperial College London, UK
  • Dr. Alexandros Nikas (anikas [at] epu.ntua.gr), Energy Policy Unit, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • Dr. Baptiste Boitier (baptiste.boitier [at] erasme-team.eu), SEURECO, France

Submissions opened on 1st February 2022 and are expected to close on 31st January 2023.

Interested parties are warmly invited to submit their manuscript at any time before the submission deadline. For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, please contact Dr. Alexandros Nikas (anikas [at] epu.ntua.gr).